There are a lot of gun manufacturers out there. GLFA is one of my favorites and I’ve been a customer for a while now.
GLFA (Great Lakes Firearms and Ammo) is a gun manufacturer and FFL located in Sparta, MI. They are known locally for quality, accurate, good value AR15s in 223 WYLDE, 350 Legend, and 450 Bushmaster. They are currently in operation and are expanding business.
I’ve been recommending GLFA for several several years and own a GLFA rifle myself. They are a good company that I trust.

Is the GFLA 223 WYLDE a Good Rifle?
The GLFA 223 WYLDE is a reliable, accurate rifle. It’s one of the best 223 WYLDE rifles you can buy. They are well-fitted, well-tuned, and have a quality finish. It’s their most popular rifle and highly recommended by many locals. The GLFA 223 WYLDE is an awesome gun, especially considering the price.
I recently bought one for myself. I love everything about it. Out of all, I’ve tried, it’s by far my favorite AR. It’s a bit lightweight, and the balance of it lends well to the added weight of a scope. The darn thing is accurate too. I don’t know if it was designed with hunting in mind, but hunters love the gun.
The GLFA 350 legend and 450 Bushmaster are also great, popular rifles. I hesitated on buying one at first and ended up regretting it. There isn’t a more accurate version AR of either on the market. They generally shoot MOA or better with good hunting ammo.
They do sell complete uppers in both calibers. If you don’t see one on their website, you can always call and ask for a price. I wrote more about it in an article on the Best 223 WYLDE Rifles. Here’s a link to it.
GLFA has a Great Local Reputation.
I’m from west Michigan and live about half-an-hour from GLFA. They used to be a custom ammo manufacturer that sold a few guns, but they moved into manufacturing AR rifles and pistols in desirable hunting calibers. Since they started making guns, they’ve gained a solid local reputation.
Locally, we know GLFA means quality. The GLFA logo has literally become the benchmark of quality in an AR. If at deer camp or a coyote hunt, someone brings a GLFA, everyone notices. That’s why I ultimately bought one. I heard nothing but great results from them, so I had to buy one for myself.
I can’t scroll through posts in the Michigan Hunting groups online without seeing pictures of GLFA rifles and happy hunters. I’m one of them now. My rifle is the 223 Wylde in OD green digital camo. It’s awesome.
Owning a GLFA has become something to brag about at hunting camp, and everybody wants to try it out. They’re great rifles at a good price. I can’t recommend them enough. I’ve recommended them in several articles written for other outdoor companies too. I like the rifles, a lot.
Are GLFA Rifles Mill Spec?
GLFA rifles have Mill-spec bolts and a Millp-spec fire control group (trigger parts). Their barrels and upper/lower receivers are considered better than MIl-spec. They use an M4 multi-position stock, a free-floating M-lock handguard, and a radial muzzle break.
Mill-spec itself doesn’t mean quality. It means cheap, functional, and accurate enough. HIgh-end gun makers seldom use many MIll-spec parts because they can usually improve on them a bit. That’s what GLFA does.
They use a basic bolt and trigger set up to keep costs down, but make darn sure the rifles are accurate. The free-floating handguard and radial muzzle break, are definitely an improvement from the military rifle.
Where is GLFA located?

GLFA (Great Lakes Firearms and Ammunition) is located at 424 E Division St in Sparta, MI. They don’t currently have signage. It’s the new building with a stone front, between the tire shop and auto lot on the south side of the road. Hours are Tuesday- Friday, 10-4.
Since They’re mostly a manufacturer now, you have to ring the bell at the front door to get into the showroom. If you are local, you can order firearms online, or call in an order, then pick it up in the shop. That way, you save on shipping and transfer fees.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call them. GLFA has great customer service, and are always willing to do their best to help you out. There is also a GLFA owners group on Facebook. It’s really just a place where we all ask questions and flash around our guns.